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Prime Tax Group LLC

How Commercial Real Estate Owners Benefit From Cost Segregation

First, let’s briefly cover the definition of Cost Segregation. Cost Segregation is a tax saving strategy which enables individuals and companies who have purchased, expanded or remodeled real estate in an effort to increase cash flow by speeding up deductions or depreciation and deferring state and federal income taxes. In a cost segregation study, certain costs previously classified as subject to 39-year depreciable life, can instead be classified as personal property or…

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A Home Run For U.S. Small Businesses!

A Home Run for U.S. Small Businesses! Congress recently enacted the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015″ (P.L. 114-113, 12/18/2015).  Three significant taxpayer-friendly changes made in the tax law are Credit Permanency, Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and Payroll Taxes that small businesses should not overlook.  If your client is a taxpayer, you…

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